Who Wants to be an Engineer? : February 2017 Digital Reflector
February Editorial
This month’s editorial is from the Reflector Editor, Karen Panetta :“Who Wants to be an Engineer?” She reflects with humor on being chosen recently to suffer the unfortunate ignominy of teaching a circuit theory course. [Ironically, I think that Karen was chosen because this topic needs someone that will transform the lives of students rather than a mere requirement on a transcript. Karen is a leader among leaders and a mentor to many young engineers. I know that she will succeed, as her students will too. -ed.]
Little Issues with Big Data
Life Members Affinity Group is sponsoring a free lecture at 4:00PM, Wednesday, 8 February. The speaker is Jim Isaak, Past President IEEE Computer Society, 2016 VP IEEE Society on the Social Implications of Technology, 2003–4 IEEE Board of Directors, and retired from the Industry.
Licensing and Technology Transfer for Life Science and Tech Companies
The Entrepreneurs Network is hosting a lecture at Pivotal Labs in Cambridge with a panel of speakers. More information may be found at Boston-Enet.Org.
Call for Instructors
If you think you have an idea for a course, or would like to teach one that you’ve done before, let’s talk about it. We may be the platform for you! We offer live and online courses for technologists and management. We can help you put your course together or put the structure around it so you can easily teach it to the public.
Call for Technical Articles
The Digital Reflector is, of course, all digital, which means that we have an opportunity to include technical articles for publication that would be of interest to our members and local technology community.
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