The purpose of the Distinguished Service Award is to honor an IEEE Boston Section member who has made exceptional and distinguished contributions to the Boston IEEE Section.
Distinguished Service Award is to honor an IEEE Boston Section member who has made exceptional and distinguished contributions to the Boston IEEE Section.
The Distinguished Service Award will be administered by the Boston Section’s Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will submit their recommendations to the Section’s Executive Committee for approval.
Individuals nominated for this award must be members of the Boston Section and the IEEE. The award is based upon evidence of distinguished service to the Boston Section. Selection criteria include leadership roles and leadership quality, innovative and important services/contributions to the Boston Section.
The purpose of this award is to recognize distinguished long-term service to the Boston Section of the IEEE and significant contributions in an IEEE field of interest.
Distinguished Member Award recognizes outstanding long-term service (10-years or more) to the Boston Section and significant contributions in an IEEE field of interest.
The Distinguished Member Award will be administered by the Boston Section’s Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will submit their recommendations to the Section’s Executive Committee for approval.
Individuals nominated for this award must have been members of the Boston Section for at least the previous ten (10) years. Multiple awards may be given each year, if suitable candidates are nominated. Individuals nominated for this award must currently be members of the Boston Section and members of the IEEE. The award is based upon evidence of distinction in long-term service to the Boston Section and for contributions to the fields of interest to the IEEE. Selection criteria include leadership roles and leadership quality, innovative and important contributions to the Boston Section, service and dedication to the Boston Section, and technical achievements in the fields of interest to the IEEE.
The purpose of the Student Achievement Award is to recognize a college student who demonstrates the potential to become distinguished leader and outstanding contributor in an IEEE field of interest.
Student Achievement Award is to recognize a college student who demonstrates the potential to become a distinguished leader and outstanding contributor in an IEEE field of interest.
The Student Achievement Award will be administered by the Boston Section’s Awards Committee. The Awards Committee will submit their recommendations to the Section’s Executive Committee for approval.
An individual nominated for this award must be a student, in good standing, at an institution of higher education located in the Boston Section or be a legal resident within the Boston Section who is attending an institution of higher education outside the Section. The nomination must be submitted by, or endorsed by, the student’s major advisor. All nominees’ major field of study must be in an IEEE field of interest.
The award is based upon evidence of distinguished leadership, accomplishment, and/or outstanding contributions that further the aims of the IEEE.
Deadline for nominations extended to August 20, 2024
Your nominee must be an active member of the IEEE Boston Section; however, you do not have to be a member to nominate someone.
The 2020 recipient of the IEEE Boston Section’s “Distinguished Service Award” (DSA) is Dr. Albert Reuther. The DSA is awarded to an IEEE Boston Section volunteer who is active in our section, chapter, or conference efforts. Specifically, the DSA honors an IEEE Boston Section member who has made exceptional and distinguished contributions to the Boston IEEE Section. Dr. Reuther received the award for his extraordinary efforts on the section’s High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC) Committee in 2020. His citation reads, “For Continuous and dedicated support of the section’s HPEC Conference and extraordinary effort virtualizing HPEC 2020 in response to the global pandemic”.
Dr. Albert Reuther is Senior Technical Staff Member in the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center (LLSC). He brought supercomputing to Lincoln Laboratory through the establishment of LLGrid, founded the LLSC, and leads the LLSC Computational Science and Engineering team. He developed the gridMatlab high-performance computing (HPC) cluster toolbox for pMatlab and is the computer system architect of the MIT Supercloud and numerous interactive supercomputing clusters based on Supercloud, including those in the LLSC. He is the technical chair of the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference and has organized numerous workshops on interactive HPC, cloud HPC, economics of HPC, and HPC security. His areas of research include interactive HPC; computer architectures for machine learning, graph analytics, and parallel signal processing; and computational engineering. Dr. Reuther earned PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering in 2000 from Purdue University and an MBA degree from the Collège des Ingénieurs in Paris, France, and Stuttgart, Germany in 2001.
In addition to the DSA, the section has two other awards for which qualified section members can also be nominated. They are, “Student Achievement Award” – to recognize a college student who demonstrates the potential to become a distinguished leader and outstanding contributor in an IEEE field of interest, and the, “Distinguished Member Award” which recognizes outstanding long-term service (10-years or more) to the Boston Section of the IEEE and significant contributions in an IEEE field of interest.
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