The IEEE CPMT Society’s mission is to “provide a forum for the dissemination of technical information within its assigned areas. CPMT’s fields of interest encompass the materials science, chemical processes, reliability technology, mathematical modelling, education and training utilized in the design and production of discretes, hybrids, and electronic packaging”
The Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society addresses the scientific, engineering, packaging, and production aspects of materials and component part for all electronics applications. This includes the technology, selection, modeling and simulation, characterization, application, assembly, reliability, testing and control of the above as they apply in design and manufacturing. The Society sponsors the annual Electronic Components and Technology Conference, as well as nearly 20 other conferences and workshops .
The IEEE Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society was created from a merger between the IEEE Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging Group and the IEEE Manufacturing Technology Group in 1978. The IEEE Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging Group was originally formed in September 28, 1954 as the IRE Professional Group on Production Techniques, which changed its name several times. The evolution of the group’s names is as follows: the IRE Professional Group on Product Engineering and Production (1960), the Professional Technical Group on Product Engineering and Production (1963), IEEE Product Engineering and Production Group (1964), Parts, Materials, and Packaging Group (1965), and the IEEE Parts, Hybrids, and Packaging Group (1971).
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