Become a Volunteer
The IEEE Boston Section is looking for volunteers to help. The local IEEE organizational units (Boston Section Executive Committee, section standing and affinity groups, and society chapters) are run by a group of dedicated volunteers.
Top Three Reasons Why Volunteering is Good For YOU!
Volunteering establishes strong relationships.
Regardless of the social media connections, or email, or video conversations, it is easier to become disconnected from your friends and colleagues. Volunteering helps to improve your relationships from your social avatar to a real relationship.
Volunteering is great for your career and satisfaction.
John Hopkins Sociologist Mark Granovetter described the role of ‘weak-ties’, those relationships outside of the close-knit relationships driven by the workplace and family. These relationships are important because they provide new information and opportunities that wouldn’t be available inside strong relationships. Volunteering is excellent at creating those ‘weak-ties’ relationships.
Volunteering is the best way to create a sense of purpose.
Most organizations have a mission statement, but rarely does the mission include benefits to society as a goal. IEEE’s vision is Advancing Technology for Humanity. IEEE is volunteer-driven, with tens of thousands of volunteers worldwide.
There are many society chapters, standing committees and affinity groups inviting you to experience the rewards, challenges and networking benefits of volunteering for the IEEE Boston Section. Any of these volunteer opportunities allows for varying levels of volunteer participation based on your schedule.
As one of the largest sections of the global IEEE, the Boston Section has a full time office and staff to support its volunteers in their efforts. This is a tremendous advantage for our local volunteers and greatly reduces their effort compared to volunteers in sections that do not have the support of a staff.
The IEEE Boston Section serves more than 8,000 members and an estimated 50,000 technologists (scientists, engineers, business tech leaders, consultants, etc) across New England. To address the increased speed of communication in our culture, we’ve reorganized into four focus areas, to leverage the expertise of volunteers and become more efficient. Please choose an area to volunteer with and the team leaders will contact you soon to discuss what options are available and where your expertise can make the greatest impact.
Uses the data from various sources and our focused teams to identify the vital few topics, subjects, technologies and trends our members and the technical community need or are looking for. The fruits of your volunteer work will directly influence the future roadmaps of the Communications, Development and Future Events Focused Teams as well as the various IEEE Boston Section standing committees.
We’re looking for volunteers who are excited about integrating information provided by the Research team and using it to provide strategic guidance to the Future Events and Communications teams. We need people who understand people and what motivates them, want to help us define success metrics, design data collection strategies, and execute activities to drive progress toward our desired outcomes.
Future Events
The Future Events team has been charged with developing the next generation of conferences, seminars, courses, lectures, and other events on topics that meet the needs and interests of our members. We are looking for volunteers to help us follow the trends in industry and to think outside the box about how to hold events.
The Communications Team is responsible for developing the communications for the IEEE Boston Section. The artifacts of communication serve all facets of the section, especially the efforts of the other three teams (Development, Future Events, and Research).
The form of communication will include website, newsletter, and digital magazine content, as well as press releases, social media posting, campaigns, and supporting collateral for any team campaigns.
If you are interested in volunteering with the IEEE Boston Section, please fill out the form below!