Reliability Society Chapter

Welcome to the Boston Chapter of the Reliability Society.

The Reliability Society is focused on the broad aspects of reliability, allowing us to be seen as the IEEE Specialty Engineering organization. We are concerned with attaining and sustaining these design attributes throughout the total life cycle. We have the management, resources, and administrative and technical structures to develop and to provide technical information via publications, training, conferences, and technical library (IEEE Xplore) data to both our members and to the Specialty Engineering community.

As the voice of the IEEE Reliability Society in Central New England, the website at is a useful source of information about our community, activities, and events.

For our members, the Boston Reliability Chapter web site is the focal point of interaction among the membership and the Advisory Committee, providing updates and interconnectivity. Members and guests may use the web site to get periodic news, read publications from our monthly meetings, conduct research and register for events. Whether you are a Reliability Society member, potential member, or student, we hope that you find the Boston Reliability Chapter web site to be a useful tool.