Snow What? : March 2017 Digital Reflector

March Editorial

This month’s editorial is from Fausto Molinet :“Snow What…?” He touches on the recent Chapter Chair meeting hosted by the Boston Section. This annual meeting brings the leaders from all the local chapters of the International Societies together to work through best practices and expand the relationships between the different chapters.

Fausto asks, “Consider how you can expand the discussion, maybe by finding a science oriented society where you can co-sponsor some meetings or approach some academic institutions that are science, not engineering oriented and see how you can cooperate and reach out. It can’t hurt and might just be successful.”

Next Generation Sequencing…

The Computer Society and GBC/ACM and co-sponsoring Young Professionals Affinity Group are hosting Next Generation Sequencing: Underlying Technology and Applications to Cancer with John Methot, Director of Health Informatics Architecture at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
This presentation will include a brief history of sequencing technology and a description of how sequencing is performed, how the large volume of resulting data is analyzed, and a brief survey of the ever-growing collection of applications.

Homeland Security Symposium

The 2017 International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security, its 16th annual event, is coming in late April. Discounts expire on March 24th, and hotel blocks fill up fast. **The Plenary Speakers are Kay C. Goss , CEM, President, World Disaster Management, LLC Internationally recognized expert, lecturer, author on Emergency Management and General Resiliency and Dr. Melissa Flag , CEO, Flagg Consulting, LLC. Previously she served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, Research and Engineering (OASDR&E) within the Department of Defense (DoD).

Call for Instructors

If you think you have an idea for a course, or would like to teach one that you’ve done before, let’s talk about it. We may be the platform for you! We offer live and online courses for technologists and management. We can help you put your course together or put the structure around it so you can easily teach it to the public.

Call for Technical Articles

The Digital Reflector is, of course, all digital, which means that we have an opportunity to include technical articles for publication that would be of interest to our members and local technology community.

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